Key Market – B1 [Student Book]

R$ 197,00

KEY MARKET B1 is a Business English textbook designed as the third piece in the KEY MARKET B.E. Series.

It’s designed so intermediate level students can improve vocabulary, structure and fluency, presenting highly business-oriented lessons.

  • Livro impresso.
  • Tamanho A4.
  • Encadernação wire-o.
  • Capa flexível.

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KEY MARKET B1 is a Business English textbook designed as the third piece in the KEY MARKET B.E. Series.

It’s designed so intermediate level students can improve vocabulary, structure and fluency, presenting highly business-oriented lessons.

This is the first true A1-B1 Business English textbook series in the ELT market. Original audios included.


Authored by Lucimara Souza & Marcus Bastos.

Designed by Adriel G. Silva.